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Standardize package scripts. This is a separate rule from Package Entries to make it easy to have multiple package script rules apply to one package.


  • scripts
    • A map of string to one of:
      • A string for the expected value (short hand)
      • An object like { options: string[], fixValue?: string }
        • options is the allowed options for this value
        • fixValue is what will be set if none of the options match


import { packageScript } from "@monorepolint/rules";
export default {
rules: [
options: {
scripts: {
clean: "rm -rf build lib node_modules *.tgz",
compile: "../../node_modules/.bin/tsc",
goodbye: {
options: [undefined],
fixValue: undefined, // fix removes value
"any-of-these-no-auto-fix": {
options: ["a", "b", "c"],
"any-of-these-auto-fix-to-c": {
options: ["a", "b", "c"],
fixValue: "c",

rule source