Tips and Tricks
Standardizing package.json Exports
To maintain consistency across packages, it is recommended to define a standard for exports, such as mapping all files in the public/
directory as root exports. This can be achieved by using the following configuration:
options: {
entries: {
exports: {
".": {
types: "./dist/index.d.ts",
import: "./dist/index.mjs",
require: "./dist/index.js",
"./*": {
types: "./dist/public/*.d.ts",
import: "./dist/public/*.mjs",
require: "./dist/public/*.js",
This configuration can be combined with tools like tsup
to automatically bundle exports:
"entry": ["src/index.ts", "src/public/*.ts"]
Pre-formatting Generated Content with dprint
Pre-formatting generated content using dprint can be challenging since it cannot be used directly from node. However, it is possible to create wrappers by executing it in a shell:
const formatWithDprint = (contents, ext) => async (context) => {
const result = child_process.spawnSync(
`pnpm exec dprint fmt --stdin foo.${ext}`,
input: contents,
encoding: "utf8",
shell: true,
if (result.error) {
throw result.error;
return result.stdout;
By utilizing this wrapper, you can ensure that your files are properly formatted:
const tsupContents = formatWithDprint(
import { defineConfig } from "tsup";
export default defineConfig(async (options) =>
(await import("mytsup")).default(options)
// ...
return [
options: {
file: "tsup.config.js",
template: tsupContents,